Miscellaneous items
Weight: 1 EMU
Stackable: Yes
Storeable: Yes
Places to buy[edit]
Can be bought from
- any general store for 10 gold coins,
- Aurel in Willowvine Forest for 10 gold coins.
- Kelcha after completing the Leather quest at bulk prices of 350 gold coins for 75 leather.
Bronze Cuisses
Bronze Greaves
Bronze Helm
Bronze Plate Mail
Fur Boots
Fur Torso
Fur Pants
Iron Chain Mail
Iron Cuisses
Iron Greaves
Iron Helm
Iron Plate Mail
Leather Boots
Leather Gloves
Leather Helm
Leather Pants
Padded Leather Armor
Steel Cuisses
Steel Greaves
Steel Helm
Steel Plate Mail
Titanium Chain Mail
Titanium Cuisses
Titanium Greaves
Titanium Helm
Titanium Plate Mail