Miscellaneous items
Weight: 1 EMU
Stackable: Yes
Storeable: Yes
Places to buy[edit]
Can be bought from
- any general store for 10 gold coins,
- Aurel in Willowvine Forest for 10 gold coins.
- Kelcha after completing the Leather quest at bulk prices of 350 gold coins for 75 leather.
- Bronze Cuisses
- Bronze Greaves
- Bronze Helm
- Bronze Plate Mail
- Fur Boots
- Fur Torso
- Fur Pants
- Iron Chain Mail
- Iron Cuisses
- Iron Greaves
- Iron Helm
- Iron Plate Mail
- Leather Boots
- Leather Gloves
- Leather Helm
- Leather Pants
- Padded Leather Armor
- Steel Cuisses
- Steel Greaves
- Steel Helm
- Steel Plate Mail
- Titanium Chain Mail
- Titanium Cuisses
- Titanium Greaves
- Titanium Helm
- Titanium Plate Mail