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Keeper of the Falling Leaf Tavern in Irsis City at [88,212]. You can trade the following items with Jacinta:

Item You can "Buy item" for You can "Sell item" for
Bread.png Bread 1
Vegetables.png Vegetables 5 0.5
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat 5
Fruits.png Fruits 6 0.6
Wine.png Wine 2
Ale.png Ale 2
Mead.png Mead 2
Brown Rabbit Fur.png Brown Rabbit Fur 1
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat 1
Prices are measured in Gold Coins.png gold coins (gc).

Editor note: Please add other items as you discover which ones can be traded. Items that are not able to be sold to this shop are listed on this template's talk page.