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Imbroglio Islands

Imbroglio Islands

Map overview[edit]

Map imbroglio islands 0512px.png

The Imbroglio Islands are a chain of islands (Galio, Llo, Brio, Tio, Moglo, Sladoth) connected via caves and mazes with many PK areas. It is a snow bound land with limited visibility and dangerous monsters. Many come seeking fortune harvesting Hydrogenium Ore.



  • North and South Fort on Moglo Isle are Safe areas, no PK
  • Firepit [219,173] (not tested)
  • Firepit inside (not tested)
  • Portal room drops you at [80,273] on Galio Isle
  • Ring drops you at [210,310] on Galio Isle
  • Hydro Guide


Internal maps[edit]

  • Imbroglio Islands 25px.png Imbroglio Ice Maze 1 - Strength (empty), (cold damage) - Galio Isle [144,179], Galio Isle [241,312]
  • Imbroglio Islands 25px.png Imbroglio Ice Maze 2 - Revenge (empty), (cold damage) - Galio Isle [149,190], Ilo Isle [57,193]
  • Imbroglio Islands 25px.png Imbroglio Ice Maze 3 - Apathy (empty), (cold damage) - Ilo Isle [61,160], Brio Isle [92,120]
  • Imbroglio Islands 25px.png Imbroglio Ice Maze 4 - Greed, Murder, Lies (empty), (cold damage) - Brio Isle [85,85], Brio Isle [95,103], Brio Isle [151,97]
  • Imbroglio Islands 25px.png Imbroglio Ice Maze 5 - Vengeance (empty), (cold damage) - Brio Isle [127,130], Tio Isle [202,234]
  • Imbroglio Islands 25px.png Imbroglio Fluffy Cave - Tio Isle [204,246], Moglo Isle [250,231]
  • Imbroglio Islands 25px.png Oblivion Fire Maze (PK) via Nothingness Cave - Moglo Isle [317,90]
  • Imbroglio Islands 25px.png Hydro Cave - Sladoth's Isle [280,67]
  • Imbroglio Islands 25px.png Mage Cave - Sladoth's Isle [291,54]

Exits to[edit]

This map has exits to the following Maps:

By Portal
Isle of the Forgotten 25px.png Isle of the Forgotten - [143,84]
By Boat
Iscalrith 25px.png Iscalrith from Galio Isle - [36,261]