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Alchemy, a world of exploration of science that combines metallurgy and medicine. We apply those techniques that early alchemists use to smelt metal which we then use to make armors ands swords. The great goddess Elandria praises us for our good work :). We also Welcome players with other skills other than alchemy.


  • Guildmaster: Jason
  • Founded: Zartia 0005
  • Shortname: ALCH
  • Full Name: Eternal Alchemists
  • URL: no
  • Friendly Guilds: PEN, HOLY, DEL, GOS, RIVA, CEL, HOPS, HAVN, PAL, S&S, BOC , #nU (I know I'm forgetting some)
  • We often take large orders for essences


Obviously, you need to have alchemy at level 25 or above, and another skill above or at level 20. Please, No Bag jumpers, scammers, PKers or downright rude people are allowed into our guild.

To Join[edit]

All requests are processed before Entering the guild. You may be tested or asked questions before being accepted. However, most are not asked too many questions. To Join,

  • type (without the quotes) "#join_guild Eternal Alchemists"
  • Wait for someone to accept you into the guild.
  • If you aren't accepted within 20 or so minutes, try PM boognish or Slimpickins. They may have not seen your request yet. And wait longer.